Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dear Sweet Daughter

I came across this poem today. What volume it speaks to my heart.
Author: Gayle Leubecker

Dear Sweet Daughter,

As a girl I had a common dream, to be a mom someday.
My baby would have eyes of blue and hair the hue of hay.
But now my dreams have been transformed. New visions fill my head.
Now the tresses that I long to stroke are raven black instead.

And in my dreams those eyes are not so big or blue or round.
Now in my dreams they're almond shaped and colored cocoa brown.
And in my dreams my arms can stretch across enormous seas.
They reach half-way around the world and hold you close to me.

As you grow in your mother's womb, carefully knit together,
you're also growing in my heart, where you will stay forever.
And in my dreams the moment that your mother says good-bye,
I'll be right there to comfort you and hold you as you cry.

Our features may not look alike; we're different as can be.
But still I know the Father has created you for me.
And though I've not yet seen your face, or held your tiny hands,
and though we're half a world apart in very different lands.

I'll be right there to get you just as soon as God allows.
But til He says the time is right I give to you this vow.
I'll pray for your protection every night on bended knee.
For God will hold you in His arms, until you're here with me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Update & A Prayer Request

A family who has just travelled to China to pick up their daughter has arrived only to find their daughter in the hospital and fighting for her life. They request prayer for healing for this little girl and that all the red tape will come down so that they can bring her home to the US where she can be looked at by specialists. You can check out their journey by going to http://www.roomforatleastonemore.blogspot.com/

As for our update, we received notification yesterday that our provincial approval letter dated September 11, 2008 (this date will now become important to us)has been forwarded to FOI, the agency in Ontario that will hopefully match us with our daughter from their waiting child list. It appears that there are at least 10 families in front of us requesting a girl under the age of 24 months with minor or correctable Special Needs. I heard today that the list of waiting children came out in the US (apparently had 70 kids on it, with half being boys). Canada and Sweden (I think) will receive a different list of children from the US. I heard that this list usually arrives in Canada about the second week of each month. As for how long we will wait, God only knows for certain. We are trying to be open to his timing, knowing that he knows who our daughter is and because is leading us on this journey, will unite us at the perfect time.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Because Every Child Needs a Blankie!

Blankies are very special in our house. Both Mackenzie and Madison still sleep with the blankets they received as infants. These blankets have travelled many places including Disneyland, doctors offices, the beach, church, and have often 'waited in the car' for the girls to be finished school. Mackenzie's has had to have a few sewing jobs over the years and all I can say is thank goodness Madison's is white so it can be bleached. Having experience the attachment that can occur between blankie and child, I have decided to try to make as many blankies as I can before we travel to China, where I plan to give them to our daughter's orphanage. I finished my first one this week. It was a very simple knot blanket...no sewing involved. I plan to start another tonight and have bought some very cute fabric to start sewing some more patchwork style ones. Enjoy this photo of Madison and her blankie I found while looking through old photos.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st Day of School

Today was the first day of Grade 3. Mackenzie is in Mrs. Loewen's class. She ended up in the same classroom, desk and coat cubbie as last year. She was a litle dissapointed that she didn't get a new classromm, but I am sure all will be good!

1st Day of School

Today was the first day of Grade 3. Mackenzie is in Mrs. Loewen's class. She ended up in the same classroom, desk and coat cubbie as last year. She was a little disappointed that she didn't get a new classroom, but I am sure all will be good!

This look is the 'Mother you can leave now' look.

14 Months

Wow...so much to report on in one day. Today is the 14th month anniversary of our LID. Referrals came out today as well. The CCAA has now matched through February 9th 2006 (Remember our LID is July 2, 2007). We are in the process of putting our application in the SN line as well. This past weekend we met with our Social Worker to go over our SN requests and had a home inspection. Our house was deemed to be 'safe for children." Good thing since we already have children living in the home....