Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Olympic Spirit

This past week we took the girls to Vancouver and Whistler to see the Olympic sights and attend a paralympic skiing event. We had the opportunity to visit with good friends and celebrate Drew's Dad's 72nd Birthday. Miah did pretty good considering we missed her naps on all but one of the days we were away. It is amazing to think that 8 months ago she was sitting in an orphanage and last week she was watching an Olympic event. God is good!

Dancing with Grandpa!

Friday, March 12, 2010

8 Months

Today marks the eighth month since Miah became part of our family. I can't say enough how blessed we are to have her as our daughter. She is such a sweet loving little girl. Tonight as I was putting her to bed I held her and rocked her as she cuddled right in with her head on my shoulder...just like it is the most natural thing in the world. I missed so much during her first two years of life, but still the bond and connection between us is something far greater than I will ever understand. It makes me sad to think of her birth mother. What a sacrifice she made. Sometimes I feel a twinge of guilt over what her loss has meant for us. I pray that she has a peace about her decision.

First taste of ice cream at a DQ in China. When I look back at these photos it is amazing how much she has grown over the past eight months!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring is here!

Finally it is warm enough to head to the park for a few hours...however it is still a good idea to bring some gloves! This morning we met some friends at the Kettle Valley Playground and Miah had a great time. She even went down the biggest slides there! No fear in that girl! She's all about adventure!

And just so you can appreciate the attitude of a two year old....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

If I only had the money....

I can't count how many times I have heard people say that they would love to adopt but they don't have the money...actually we said it too...and sometimes we use it as an excuse not to adopt again. I read this post today on another adoptive family's blog and it is a MUST READ! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. God certainly got my attention!