Today we focused on the beginning of the story, when Mary anoints Jesus for burial. Mack and Madi each read from both John 12 and Matthew 26. Jesus is at Simon's house when Mary enters with an alabaster jar full of expensive perfume. She breaks the bottle and pours it on Jesus's feet. Judas and the other were angry that she would waste such expensive perfume when there were poor to be fed. Jesus told them not to bother her and that she did this to prepare him for burial.
The girls made their own perfume jars. They decorated the jars, poured some perfume into them and added reeds to diffuse the perfume. John 12:3 says "And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume." We talked about remembering Jesus' burial when we smell the frangrance of the perfume in our home....and might I just might not want to come over if you have a perfume allergy...