Sunday, July 22, 2012

Three Years!

Last week we celebrated Miah's third Gotcha Day by going out to dinner at Earls and getting ice cream downtown for dessert. She was so excited about her special day and even asked us to sing for her in the restaurant...when we asked what we should sing, she replied "Happy Gotcha Day," apparently to be sung to the tune of Happy Birthday. She pointed to each of us saying "You...Sing!" Of course we couldn't say no...which thrilled her!

 Daddy had flowers for her when he arrived home from work.  She was feeling pretty special!
 Happy third Gotcha Day Miss Miah. We love and cherish you so much!

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Next Stage

Today we had an appointment with the oral surgeon who will be doing Miah's bone grafting.  He said thing are looking great and we booked the first step in this process which is to remove 1 or 2 baby teeth that are erupting in her cleft line.  This is booked for October 12th.  It is an early morning procedure in his office done under a bit of sedation. He said she would not remember a thing.  Poor girl does have to get an IV though.  After that we wait for her mouth to heal up nicely and then he will schedule her grafting for early Spring 2013. He stated that this usually involves a 2-3 night hospital stay, mostly for pain management of the hip where they remove the bone.  How I will miss seeing that cleft of hers. I wish she could just keep her beautiful smile and that none of this would be necessary.