We started 2012 off with a trip to California. We spent 9 nights in Anaheim playing in Disneyland, Legoland, took in a Duck`s game and spent a day at the beach in Santa Monica with Miah's friend Tian. We look forward to seeing them again this February when we head south again.

 We spent the leap day in Disneyland. It was the first time the park had ever stayed open for 24 hours. We were notthat daring, but it was nice to not have to think about opening or closing times.

In April we celebrated Mackenzie's 12th birthday by playing a game of lazer tag with her friends. I can't believe that we will have a teenager in the house in the near future!

In May we enjoyed the girl's year end dance recital called "Wiggle." Mackenzie was one of the actors; The Artist. She was feeling awful and fought through her 103 degree fever to fulfill her role. Two days later her test results came back positive for Strep and she developed the chicken pox!

Madison also enjoyed her part in `Wiggle.`She danced in two numbers and had lots of fun backstage with her friends.

In July we were busy as a family with our church`s`Sky` kids day camp. Grandma and Grandpa Denis also came out to lend a hand. Miah shared lots of giggles with her friends from Preschool.

Also in July, we celebrated Miah`s three year Gotcha Anniversary. So hard to believe that she has been home for three years. Most of the time, I can`t even remember what it was like not to have her here....it must have been quiet ;)
In August Miah turned 5 years old! We celebrated Disney style with an Alice in Wonderland Party. We even played croquet with pink flamingos.
In August Mackenzie also was involved in her third summer with Bumbershoot Children`s Theatre. She looks forward to auditioning again this month for the August 2013 show.
In September, it was back to school and Miah started full time Kindergarten! It took her a few months to adjust to the routine, but by Christmas was loving it and even letting me drop her off in the parking lot so she could walk in with her big sister. Madison started garde three and Mack graduated over to the high school campus to start Junior High!
In October we celebrated Madison`s Ninth birthday at Color Me Mine, a local ceramic company. Madi and her friends enjoyed painting ceramics and eating her zebra striped cake. This was so her style. She is our pop star loving, zebra print aspiring artist and chef.

This year we were actually ready for Halloween! Most years we are looking for costumes last minute in the dress up bin. Madi was a Smurf, Miah a Bee and Mack a Pixie. Another highlight was a girls road trip to Vancouver to see the Justin Bieber concert.

Also in October, Drew`s parents came to visit. We spent one day in Summerland riding the Kettle Valley Railroad.

Mackenzie was asked to audition for Theatre Kelowna`s performance of ``A Rockin` Tale of Snow White.``She was given the role of Kip, one of the seven dwarfs. This was a great experience for her and she loved all 10 of their performances! Mack is the dwarf in Pink poking Snow White.

Christmas was spent in Vernon with my Mom and Dad, brother and sister-in-law. The girls each received a very special doll that looks just like them! Thanks Grandma!
2012 was a surgery free year for Miah. What a nice break that was for her. This year she has a tooth extraction surgery scheduled for January 21st and her bone grafting to follow in the Spring. Perhaps some additional plastic surgery in the fall as well.
We are thankful for all of God`s provisions and blessings in 2012. I can`t wait to see what He has in store for us in 2013!
Our verse for 2013:
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps Proverbs 16:9