Thursday, August 22, 2013


Its been 7 weeks since Miah's bone graft surgery. Overall she is doing well.  She doesn't complain of any pain anymore and her hip has healed nicely. Yesterday we went for a follow up with her Orthodontist. This is what he saw....

See that bump right above her front tooth?  It appears that she may be rejecting some of the bone graft.  He stated that if there was a piece of the graft that failed, the body would try to get rid of it by bringing it to the surface. Our surgeon is on Vacation until Monday but he has been sent this photo and we have an appointment held for us in Vancouver later next week in case he wants to see us.  I am hoping that it is just an undissolved stitch that will come out and that she does not have to have another surgery. Anyone else have experience with this?