Monday, April 13, 2009

Miah's Care Package

Last week we ordered a care package to be sent to Miah at her Orphanage. We were able send up to a 600 word letter to the Orphanage to introduce ourselves. In this letter we also asked if they could take pictures of Miah with her friends and caregivers, and included a disposable camera. We also sent a photo album with photos of us. They will label the photos (in Chinese) Mom, Dad, Sisters...etc. We also chose to send a kitty stuffie for Miah and a cake to celebrate that she now has a family who loves her very much. We have been told that we may receive photos of her with her cake. We included candy and nuts for the nannies to express our gratitude for taking such good care of Miah. The business that provides this service is called Ladybugs and Love from Above. It was created by two women, an adoptive mom (Kelly) and friend (Angela) in China. Today we received an email letting us know that Miah's package had been put together and sent. They sent us a picture of the gifts they mailed. Here is their website address:


  1. too cool! you should highlight a link to that site kim...(for curious people like me)if you need help I can walk you thru how to do it :)

  2. So excited for you all - love the new pictures, too! She is adorable. Thanks for sharing your journey with us - talk to you soon!

  3. Miah is very cute-- I really hope her package makes it to her.

  4. We had a very positive experience using their service. We were lucky and received 9 pictures when we sent a cake for her first birthday. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
