Tuesday, May 5, 2009

God has a sense of humor

Today we received photos of Miah (wearing the red sweater) and her friends enjoying the cake we sent as part of her care package. With all the worry about how this Swine Flu might affect our travel I found it ironic that the cake we had purchased was decorated with the photo of a pig! It is such a treat to open up the morning e-mail and find new photos of our daughter! I treasure each one of them!


  1. That is funny! Miah looks healthy. Great news.

    --still waiting for LOA here

  2. That made me laugh! On another note....where did you get your layout for your blog...it looks great! Kristy

  3. too funny! she's a cutie. I wonder what she understands about what is going on and who you guys are?

  4. That is ironic... although she was born in the year of the pig! She is really adorable.

  5. she is sooo sweet Kim. It's fun to put a face with her name. I recall being your SWAP sister and thinking about her with each purchase...so amazing. She's beautiful. You must be on cloud nine!

    Praying for safe travel and smooth transistion.

    Lisa A
