Today at church the Pastor spoke from Ephesians Chapter One. I was reminded that we have all been adopted by God. "In love, he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will." Ephesians 1:5
I think this video is a great reminder that there are No Orphans of God. He is a Father to the Fatherless.
Many of you who have followed our journey have shared with me that you have thought about adoption or how blessed we are to have Miah in our family, to be her Mommy and Daddy and her two big sisters. And I could not agree more on that last part. If you are one of those people who have thought about adoption, even if the first time you ever thought about it was when you saw Miah's story unfold, would you PRAY for God to speak to you specifically about adoption? How you fit in His plan for the orphans of this world?
I am going to pray as well for all who do this, because I just will never believe that it is God’s will and plan for the world to have 143 million orphans.
The Bible says that children are a heritage, a blessing, from the Lord! I pray no one who reads this misses out on a wonderful blessing from God. There is NOTHING on this earth that is of any real value that we can see and touch except people. And these precious children like Miah, who the world sees as imperfect and a challenge and needy, are nothing like that at all. They are treasures. If only more people knew...that is my deepest prayer, that more people would know the joy of adopting one of these priceless masterpieces. Some are even clothed with clay pots that are cracked and in need of repair by the world’s standard of perfection and worth, but I promise you they are special and worth so much more than anything you could ever own.
If God is calling you, neither money nor the inability to parent a child with medical needs will be a roadblock for Him. He may ask you to step out like you never have before … He asked us to but He was there stepping ahead and making the path for us to follow.
I'm not sure why I am being nudged to write this, but if you have any questions about adoption or the waiting child program I would be so very happy to chat with you.
Awesome post! Beautifully said!
ReplyDeleteyes kim, very nicely worded :) you almost had me convinced...then I remembered I am out of seatbelts. hee hee :)
ReplyDeleteNeed a *warning* have tissues close by (-: Great post
ReplyDeleteHello, I am in the very beginning stages of adopting a little girl from China. I feel called to adopt a special needs child. Could you please email me at cwhitledge@dcps.org