Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Daddy's Girl

Miah is definitely a Daddy's girl. She loves us all, but if Daddy is in the room, she usually seeks out the comfort of his arms. It is amazing to watch the two of them fall deeper in love each day. It didn't take her long to wrap Daddy around her finger! Plus...Daddy can throw her much higher than Mommy can!


  1. It is a good thing there are daddy's in this world! They are much better at the playing thing... It is great to see the relationships growing in your family. She is looking bigger and healthier too!

  2. Love the updated photos on your header!

  3. Daddies and their daughters. There's nothing like it! Do I hear a little *butterfly Kisses* coming on? lol Love that song


  4. Great photo! She's growing up so fast!

  5. Great photos! Miah looks so happy.
