Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bone Graft Update

We just got back the first set of images since Miah's bone graft. (This photo is 5 1/2 months after her grafting)  The orthodontist seems to think it looks like the graft has taken, but he sent the image to the surgeon in Vancouver just to be sure. In the photo above, the graft area is in between the sideways and twisted front left tooth and the left eye tooth that is coming down on that sharp angle.

This xray also confirms the state of Miah's adult teeth...That front left adult front tooth may or may not be viable. We will have to wait until it comes though to see what it looks like.  But he thinks is it twisted and coming in sideways. He also discovered that she is missing an adult tooth on the upper right (the 4th one).

We go back in January to have her impressions taken in order for them to start palate expansion in the next two months.  The worry here is that expanding her palate post bone grafting is that it could break apart the graft area, causing her to have to re due that surgery...we are praying hard that doesn't happen.


  1. Thinking of you all. Maybe we will bump into each other at one of our orthodontic appointments. Fingers crossed the palate expander will not affect the graft.

  2. This is all sorts of emotional for me... I see it's been a while so hoping it all resolved. xo
