Sunday, February 27, 2011

There are not always smiles...

This was the reaction I got this morning when I told Miah that I would be teaching in her Sunday School class today. Not quite what I expected, but ladies who teach, thank have made a great impact on my daughter's life...and well...Mommy's heart can take it....

"No...I don't want you be my teacher"


  1. Ouch, good thing you have a heart of steel! Maybe inside she was thinking she just wants you to be her mommy!

  2. I love it that you actually took the time to capture this moment on camera!! :) My boys find it funny when they look back on these kinds of pictures and see their expressions...and they love it when i tell them 'the story' behind it. I'm sure Miah will appreciate these 'real life' pictures in the future :)

  3. Nothing like some brutal honesty! Good to know that she loves her teachers that much though...

  4. LOL. Love that you photographed it. We blogging mommies can be a little crazy with our cameras. :) Love it.
