Friday, March 18, 2011

You my Mommy?

Lately, this is the question Miah asks me almost daily. "You my Mommy?" I answer- Yes, I am your mommy for always. Today her questioning went a little further...

Miah-"You my Mommy?"

Mommy-"Yes, I am your Mommy"

Miah-" when I was little in China I was in your tummy?"

Mommy-"No, when you were in China God made you in your Chinese Mommy's tummy"

Miah-pauses to think..."What's her name?"

Mommy-"I don't know her name"

Miah-pauses to think again..."I don't know her name either. I forgot"

Then she carried about her day...I hope I am handling these types of questions right. Any suggestions?


  1. Oh, sweet girl. She looks so grown up in those pictures. I think you are answering her questions just as you should. She seems satisfied with your simple honesty. :)

  2. Hey, I'm going to be learning from you! I think you did a good job, you told the truth.

    So since Miah is almost 4, I guess I have eight more months to figure it out?

  3. I think as long as you tell her the truth in words that she can understand, you are doing just fine. My daughter is 2 and now when I ask where she's from, she says Taiwan, so I know in a few years, I will start getting those "mommy" questions too.

  4. The pictures of Miah are so sweet...she is absolutely adorable!

    I too am learning from we will be answering similiar questions soon as well. I think you are doing great...simple, honest and age appropriate...perfect!

    Gayle :)

  5. Sounds like you are doing just right! And seriously, did Miah grow a tonne while we were away? She looks so... mature, I guess.

  6. Kim, I really like how you handled that. Ping is asking those exact questions and I'm answering them alot like you are/did.

    Short sweet, to the point, honest answers.

  7. Hi! Nice to see your blog through the link! My son is almost 4, so I guess I'll be getting those questions soon too. I think you handled it well.

  8. She is so precious!! I know those questions are hard but when answered with love, compassion and honesty you can never go wrong!!

    {thank you for participating in the 1st ever "The Real Face of Special Needs"!}
