Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Wedding

This past weekend we had the privilege of attending our friend's daughter's wedding. This sweet girl was our Candle lighter at our wedding 11 years ago...how on earth can she be old enough to be married...or better question...are we really that old?
I was reminded of just how fast time goes by and only how much longer our girls will be little.

One stop we made on the way to the wedding was Build-A-Bear. The girls had been wanting to go for some time and show Miah how to build her own bear....of course she picked the Panda. Once she saw the Panda there was no showing her any other options.

The new additions to our family


  1. Those are quite the additions to your family... although not quite what I was picturing!

    Trust me, they grow up way too fast!

  2. They look lovely dressed up for the wedding! I haven't taken Sylvie to Build A Bear, yet...but since Miah had so much fun?

  3. Seriously! Build a bear has Chinese Dresses!!!

  4. how cute!! love the coordinating outfits and seeing miah get a new panda! yay

  5. I love it! I love how they gravitate to who they are--it's comforting to me when they do that. Comfortable with the past, present and future. You're obviously doing a great job with her Kim--she's adorable...seriously.
