Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The first day of school

Two of our girls headed back to school yesterday. I have to admit I was much too tired to post last night. I think it might take me a few days to get back into the swing of things. Mackenzie started grade 5 and Madison grade 1. They were both so eager to get going and woke up early, got themselves dressed and happily ate breakfast...however, things were not so smooth this morning.

Yearly photo on the front steps...and yes, that is the best smile Mack could find for me... she thinks it is high time Mom put that camera away.....sorry honey, no such luck!

Madison's First Desk

There are some really lovely girls in class with Madison this year. The teacher let them choose where they wanted to sit in the class. It was cute...all the girls took the front rows and all the boys high tailed it to the back...

Tomorrow Miah goes for her fist orientation for Preschool, then starts next week two mornings a week. While I am excited for her and think it will be good for her, I am having a hard time letting go...didn't she just come home? It was cute to see her name on the bulletin board outside her class...the title read "Look who Popped into Preschool"

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